Instructions for making a cat burrito, also known as purrito, are as simple as they can be. You'll need a cat – be sure to get the cutest one you can find, and a towel, a throw or a blanket. Gently place the cat in the middle of your preferred wrapping material and gently roll it up. Don't forget to boop the adorable purrito's nose and ta-dah, you have one perfectly rolled adorable kitten.
In all seriousness though, this cat rolling technique is most commonly used to tame felines for a vet check-up or any other occasion when the little devils need to be immobilized. Also, some silly cats like to make purritos out of themselves for a cozy nap, when seeking warmth, or as a hiding spot. No matter the circumstance in which the fuzzy wrap is made, it is absolutely adorable and if you don't believe us, just check out the pictures below!
So, scroll down to see the amazingly successful mashup between Mexican cuisine and everyone's favorite fluffy cats. It's fusion cat-chen at its best! Don't forget to vote for the spiciest fluff ball and tell us what you think in the comments.
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