The emergence of ancient giants has excited the archaeological and scientific communities. These discoveries offer us a deeper understanding of history but also evoke unease and skepticism among some people.
In myths, legends, and historical records from various cultures around the world, besides the Great Flood, another frequently mentioned term is “giants.” The concept of giants has existed in human history for thousands of years, often described as enormous humanoid beings with exceptional strength.
Although giants are typically regarded as mythical creatures, modern archaeological discoveries suggest that the origins of prehistoric giant legends may not be entirely baseless. Before delving into today's topic, it is important to note that this subject has not been widely accepted or validated by the mainstream scientific community and should be regarded as a story rather than established fact.
In Chinese mythology and folklore, giants play a crucial role. The most famous among them is Pangu, who is considered the creator deity of the world.

Apart from Pangu, other notable giant figures exist in Chinese mythology. One of them is Xing Tian, a valiant warrior giant renowned for his indomitable spirit and immense strength. Another is Kuafu, an arrogant giant who, according to legend, chased the Sun but ultimately perished from exhaustion.
Beyond Chinese mythology, giants also appear in ancient Greek and Roman traditions. According to legend, the Earth goddess Gaia gave birth to the Titans, who were giants known for their enormous size, ferocity, and terrifying nature. As a result, the Titans naturally instilled fear among humans.

These giants, often portrayed in myths and folklore, have traditionally been considered legendary beings with little connection to real-life prehistoric giants. However, modern archaeological findings suggest that the legends of ancient giants may not be entirely without foundation.
Unusually large human skeletons have been discovered at archaeological sites worldwide, their size and structure reminiscent of ancient giant myths and legends. In the 1970s, archaeologists in Shandong, China, accidentally unearthed remains associated with giants during excavations. These remains were remarkably large, with an average height exceeding 1.9 meters (far surpassing the typical height of ancient humans).
This suggests a potential connection between ancient humans and “giants” in Shandong over 5,000 years ago. Notably, the tallest skeleton among these remains measured over two meters, while the shortest was 1.7 meters—a considerable height given the harsh living conditions of ancient times.

Although individuals over two meters tall exist in modern society, they remain a minority and do not constitute an independent race. However, these skeletal remains suggest that “giants” were relatively common in ancient times. After thorough research, archaeologists have concluded that these ancient giants may have actually existed.
Beyond China, other mysterious discoveries have emerged. Approximately 35 kilometers southwest of Lovelock, Nevada, USA, lies a cave known as Lovelock Cave, which carries a legend from the Paiute Native American tribe. According to their oral history, a race of red-haired giants once threatened them. These giants were tall and aggressive, but after years of struggle, the Paiute eventually succeeded in driving them away.
This legend was largely dismissed until 1911, when miners excavating bat guano in Lovelock Cave unexpectedly discovered a large mummy. The mummy measured 2.2 meters in height and had red hair. It was later collected by the Humboldt Museum in Nevada, drawing widespread attention.

Additionally, remains of prehistoric giants have been found in Europe. In Lascaux Cave, France, archaeologists uncovered a human skeleton measuring 3.4 meters in height. This discovery shocked the archaeological community, as such stature is extremely rare among prehistoric humans.
Similarly, giant skeletons measuring up to 2.7 meters were found near Stonehenge in England. These findings have triggered extensive research and discussion. Moreover, new discoveries of ancient giants have emerged in the Americas. A mysterious pyramid in Peru led archaeologists to uncover traces of ancient giants. Within three ancient tombs, they discovered three distinct sets of remains, each measuring over three meters in height. This revelation caused a global sensation.

Archaeological excavations in a valley in Turkey also revealed signs of prehistoric human activity. On the surrounding walls, archaeologists discovered hieroglyphs used by ancient people for recording events and communication.
When the archaeologists dismantled these walls, they were astonished to find two mummies. One of them was a woman lying quietly while embracing a child. What was remarkable was that this woman’s height was not that of an average modern woman but rather that of an ancient giant.
These archaeological findings suggest that myths and legends about prehistoric giants may not be entirely meaningless. The emergence of ancient giants has excited the archaeological and scientific communities, offering a deeper understanding of history while also causing concern and uncertainty. If prehistoric giants truly existed, their existence would pose a significant challenge to Darwin’s theory of evolution.

According to the theory of evolution, humans share a common ancestor with primitive primates, and early human intelligence is the result of natural selection and evolutionary processes. However, if prehistoric giants with human-like intelligence truly existed, as suggested by hieroglyphs and hair samples, this would be a profound challenge to the foundations of evolution.
This remains the greatest challenge to evolutionary theory. Yet, these discoveries have not been widely accepted. Some scientists argue that the remains could belong to other species or result from abnormal human growth patterns.
Although many legends describe giants, they do not provide sufficient evidence to confirm their existence. These descriptions may simply be artistic folklore rather than historical fact.
Until further research and scientific evidence emerge, we cannot determine with certainty whether prehistoric giants truly existed. Thus, the truth about prehistoric giants remains a mystery.