Many bizarre sexual customs that date back centuries are still practiced by various ethnic groups around the world, despite their increasing exposure to modern society.
Brothers Sharing a Wife
To reduce household expenses and cope with the scarcity of agricultural land and resources, people in Nepal have maintained an age-old tradition in which biological brothers share the same wife.
This custom is believed to prevent a man from being abandoned by his wife. Across different cultures, sexuality has been given specific values. None of them view it as a purely biological act but rather as a fundamental aspect of life—sometimes even symbolic in nature.

The Unusual Sexual Tradition of the Sambia People
In Papua New Guinea, children must leave their mothers at the age of seven. From then on, they live with adult men in their community with the goal of becoming men themselves. This is a sexual tradition aimed at avoiding contamination. The practice is also based on the belief that women are “impure beings.”
The path to adulthood for these children involves a series of rituals, including cutting and piercing their skin. The purpose is to remove any remaining “contamination” from their contact with women.
The Mardudjara Aboriginal Rite
Among this Australian Aboriginal community, there exists a bizarre initiation ritual for young men. The first step involves circumcision using primitive methods—a process believed to be extremely painful. The young men are even required to eat their own foreskins.
Once their wounds have healed, a second procedure involves making a vertical incision along the underside of the penis. The blood from this wound is then cast into a fire. The locals believe this purification ritual transforms the individual into a true man. This is one of many sexual traditions associated with cleansing through pain.
The Saut Dômeau Ritual
In Haiti, belief in voodoo remains strong. One of the most traditional rituals takes place at the Saut Dômeau waterfall. These are public celebrations, held in full view of everyone.
Most participants are completely naked during these festivals. As part of the event, women are required to follow their husbands to the waterfall, where couples engage in sexual intercourse in front of others, reaching climax publicly.
The Groom’s Male Relatives as “Partners” to the Bride
In Guyana, a country in South America, newlywed brides must endure an extremely bizarre custom. In addition to the groom, all the men in his family have the right to sleep with the bride.
This practice continues until the bride gives birth to her first child. Once she has a child, she is no longer obligated to have sexual relations with anyone in the family except her husband. According to Guyanese belief, childbirth confirms the wife's exclusive belonging to her husband.